Turramurra Public School is a community based school unique in its physical characteristics, in the programs offered and in the personnel involved in the school. The school is a split site K-2 / 3-6 separated by a large playing field. Students combine frequently in K-6 activities such as assemblies, buddies program and social activities. The school operates on a K-6 basis for all teaching and learning programs. The educational programs offered are highly valued by the students, teachers and the community. The school music and bands programs are considered to be major assets. Other major features of the school program include a strong student welfare focus, emphasis on literacy and numeracy, and specialist programs in science, art, music, French, sport and computer support. Parents are an integral part of Turramurra Public School through their active participation in school activities, P&C, classroom literacy and learning support, fundraising, band and canteen. the school has before and after school care.
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